Wednesday, August 24, 2011

vatican leery of latino left

Wikileaks today released a cable which documented the internal affairs chief of the Vatican's "concerns about Chavez and other leftist leaders in Latin America." He discussed the "danger Chavez poses to governments around him."

The internal affairs chief, Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, is seen as the "number three" in the Vatican, after the Secretary of State and the Pope. Sandri is Argentinian and used to be a "nuncio" (papal ambassador) to Venezuela, stationed in the capital, Caracas.

Personally, I don't follow Vatican politics or anything but the fact that they have their many fingers stuck in so many pies all seems slightly Renaissance-period to me.

Of course, the vast majority of religious people in South America are Christian (and Catholic at that) and this inevitably has something to do with the Vatican's interest in South America.

Once again, this demonstrates the penetrative power of Wikileaks and, with such a sensitive document as this being openly available, you can understand the wary position that most governments take with regards to Mr. Assange and Wikileaks.


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