On Tuesday night, P.J. Harvey won the Mercury Prize and her fans were quick to shower @PJHarvey with praise on micro-blogging site, Twitter. Unfortunately, the music artist, P.J. Harvey, has the twitter name '@PJHarveyUK'. So who received over 2000 messages in two hours that night?
The unfortunate bearer of all the well wishes was Philip John Harvey, a software developer from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His first tweet after the onslaught spelled out the situation perfectly: "well, this is awkward."
This isn't the first time Harvey has had a load of messages come through. When P.J. Harvey - the musician, that is - appeared on Late Night with Jools Holland, earlier in the year, the software developer received a reasonable number of messages too.
This happens to many other people too. Joe Hart, an 18 year-old computer science student receives a lot of messages when his namesake plays for Manchester City and England. The student says he once finished an essay: "I checked my Twitter and saw a tonne of ‘Well done, Joe Hart!’ tweets, and for a second I thought, ‘How did they know I finished the essay?’
This has also happened with @BP, @theashes, @SarahPalin and @DavidCameron!
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