Prostitutes in the German city of Bonn must carry a ticket, purchased from a meter-like machine, while working the streets or they will be prosecuted for tax avoidance after a scheme was launched at the start of the week.
While prostitution is legal in Germany, prostitutes must pay income tax - the level of which varies from state to state. However, this has been hard to enforce as these women of the night ply their trade on the streets in what is something of a cash-in-hand (or other places) job.
There are around 200 prostitutes working in Bonn and the council have special wooden parking garages in certain areas of the city where men can retire to with their investment.
The women will be charged 6€ (£5.31) a night to work.
It'll be interesting to see how well that works. Clearly, prostitution is regarded as a genuine occupation in Germany and TWOL supposes that this form of income tax goes at least some way to making up for the fact that Germany carries the European Union.
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