Monday, September 19, 2011

COMMENT: one week in

Probably, by the 3.30pm, last Friday, everyone in Year 12 had been asked about their start to Sixth Form.

"What difference is there between Year 11 and Year 12?" - You will have produced automatic answers by about the third time; "I like not wearing uniform but I don't like stressing over clothes and I like the freedom but I miss my old friends and I like the new subjects but everything is harder and this but that and this but that..." Stop.

So here are some honest thoughts about Year 12.

Firstly, lessons have gotten about fifty times more interesting than last year. Suddenly, we are being pushed and challenged, and are engaged in subjects of our own choosing and interest. Teachers are far less patronising and take a genuine interest in your opinion, as you do in theirs. Everyone turns up to a lesson to work and learn something; this is in stark contrast to G.C.S.E. where, given half the chance, you would do nothing.

For this reason, the biggest lesson I've learned is thus: if you see someone in your class whom you have preconceptions about - forget them. That was in secondary school; we've moved on.


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